Don't know what the new generation is coming to....?
I stopped at a traffic light today and on my right was a school bus full of tots. By their sizes and uniforms, I'd say they are primary school students. What made me angry was that throughout the time we were waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I saw pieces of one sweet wrapper, one ice cream plastic wrapper, bits of papers and tissues floating from the school bus down to the ground. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such disrespect to the environment! Our future generations are litterbugs. LITTERBUGS. Horror. And here we are, the older generation, trying to teach the world to love our environment, to reduce use of plastics, to reduce CO2, etc. Obviously, schools in Malaysia have not taught students to love their environment and NOT litter. Ok, can not totally blame schools only. Parents are also responsible for the actions of their children. Bapa borek, anak rintik. The apple does not doesn't roll far from the apple tree. So parents, please please teach your children not to litter. Be courteous to your fellow citizens. We are sharing the same space, state, nation, world and planet with you.
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