Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Worst blog

O my head.

I only managed to sleep for a mere 2 hours yesterday. I woke up at 1.00 a.m. and struggled to fall asleep again. I turned left, turned right, wriggle my toes and finally gave up. With my pillows and blanket, I trodded downstairs. Turned on the TV and made myself comfortable on the sofa. And the crazy thing was while I watched the TV, I would frequently doze off and awakened again. This happened many times until I finally turned off the TV, closed my eyes and ..... wait for it .... could not sleep! Argh. By now, it was 3.00 a.m. I decided to return to my bed. No such luck.
In the morning, I wasn't surprised that I looked wan with black bruises under my eyes. So, after 18 hours of non-sleep, except for a few minutes of dozing, my head is aching. I'm frustrated. And so, I blog.
This has got to be my worst blog.

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