Monday, May 4, 2009

Die Young

Early this morning, my office inbox showed I got four mails from ex-college mates of mine. The news from them were shocking. A mate of ours had gone home to be with our Lord yesterday evening. He died of lung cancer.
Truth be told, I could not place him when I read those mails. In my defense, I must state that there were at least 150 of us mates and it had been 15 years since we last saw each other. However misplaced my memory of him may be, fact remains that he died young, only 39. He leaves behind his wife, a daughter and son.
It brings home the fact that life is fragile. As we go about our daily chores, groaning and fuming over work, cursing while stucked in traffic or long queue, gossiping with friends, watching TV and surfing the net, most of us forgot that tomorrow may never come for some of us.
If we knew today is our last day, would we live the day as we did today? I think most of us would not. Push aside the initial urge to get on a plane and go to Hawaii or Paris and live wild for the last 24 hours, I think we would change how we interact with people around us and be more selective on the activities we chose to spent time on. Perhaps instead of shouting at colleagues, we would take time to understand from where they come from, respect their views and yet be firm on ours. We would take more time to be supportive instead of back-stabbing. We would take time to show our appreciation to our staffs instead of demanding more productiveness. Lets not forget the family. We would spend more time talking and laughing with loved ones rather than washing the dishes, mopping the floors, doing laundry and more because tomorrow those stuffs would still be there but our chance to show our love to our family may be gone. We may miss that last laugh, that last hug or that lass kiss.
I believe each of us is special to someone or two or more but at least one. Don't miss the opportunity to say some kind words. Don't miss the opportunity to give that special smile to that special someone. Because tomorrow may never come.
In memory of the people who had entered our lives and enriched us ...

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