Sunday, June 14, 2009

Eye on Malaysia (Ferris Wheel)

No, my nieces did not release me even though I had took them up the Taming Sari Tower. They dragged me to the Eye on Malaysia on a Saturday late afternoon.
Not much crowd there. The place could do with some landscaping. It could also display a sign or two explaining the details of the Eye on Malaysia like it's height, etc. I think that would be interesting to visitors. There's 42 gondolas. I saw one gondola with a big "VIP" word silk screened on it. That gondola was tinted black. As I have vertigo, I was ever thankful the gondola did not swayed much. In fact, my sister enjoyed this ride more than the Taming Sari Tower. For me, it presented a limited view. The Taming Sari provided a panoramic view.
Again, ticket price is similar to the Taming Sari Tower. Half price for Malaysians. That's RM10 for adult and Rm5 for children. Need to show MyKad. Guess they expect only adults to purchase tickets. Originally located in Lake Titiwangsa, it was relocated to the mouth of River Melaka and opened in November 2008. Based on Eye on Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. website, there's supposed to be a 4-acre outdoor leisure park in planning. And according to the website, the gondola goes up to a height of 60 meter. That's 20 meter lower than the Taming Sari Tower. Each ride is 12-minute. Each turn is 3-minute.

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