Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 2011

This is an update to my earlier post

Civilian uprisings
After more than two decades as president, President Mubarak of Egypt stepped down in February 2011 after massive demonstration from Egyptians.
This victory emboldened other uprisings seen in middle East.

Muammar Gaddafi (I don't know if this is the correct version of his name because news had published many versions of his name from Muhamad Gaddafi to Muamar Gadafi), ruler of Libya was shot dead in August 2011 in Libya's civil war. He ruled Libya for more than three decades.

Unrests continue in middle east.

Massive flood in Thailand that started from northern Thailand and in recent days had reached Bangkok. We have seen and heard Thai government trying to save Bangkok by piling sandbags, building dikes and excavating canals to allow floodwater to flow to the sea. According to news, the flood had troubled Thailand since June this year. Flood waters as deep as 3m inundated industrial areas, padi fields and historical temples such as those in World-heritage Ayutthaya. The effects are felt in other countries. Some factories (such as Honda) had to shutdown because of disruptions to supply of material from Thailand. We can expect cost of rice to increase. Death toll from this flood has reached upwards of 500. Crocodiles had escaped from crocodile farms around Bangkok.

Last week, Oklahoma suffered damages from a 5.6 magnitude earthquake. The biggest in Oklahoma history.
In October, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey.
Earthquakes are shaking nations across the world.

Greece requires salvation again. Many predict Italy will be next. Deepening European debts. Will China saves EU?

Fortunately, up to November this year, I do not see news of widespread disease like what we experienced with SARs in the past.
But I did notice that in recent days there had been many celebrities or famous people stricken with cancer or died of cancer. Steve Job, founder of Apple, died of pancreas cancer in October. Andy William (good ol' Andy) has just announced he is suffering from bladder cancer. Former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier died of cancer on Monday, 7.11.11.
If you consider that celebrities/famous people is just a small handful in this world of 7 billion (yup, we earthlings are numbered at 7 billion as of 31 October), imagine the percentage of world population stricken with cancer.

....and 2011 is not over yet. We still have one and a half month to go.
I am not promoting doomsday but am just recounting the significant disasters in our world for 2011. Why? Because early in 2011 someone shared with me that the number eleven, like number seven is associated with godliness, is a number associated with changes and transformation. Early in 2011, the fortune tellers foretold of a turbulent rabbit year.

There are predictions that the world will end in December 2012.
Have these events convince us? Shall we draw closer to our faith? That is between you and God.

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